Thursday, January 28, 2010

Me, Myself and I

Hola Gente,

For those of you who are wondering what that is, it's 'Hello People' in spanish. And for those of you who now think I know spanish, sorry. My spanish is limited to Hola Gente!!!

Well...I sit here right now...kind of confused, kind of intrigued by this whole blogging technology!Lots of things are going through my head...others are going to be reading my life, how might they react, what kind of judgements might they make......and then i wonder what a blog is all about.

After spending far too long considering blogging and agonizing about the optimal approach, I’ve decided to just jump into it.
As such, I’m not sure how this blog will evolve over time.

I'll continue to write about stuff I enjoy, such as movies, music, tv, technology and and anything that I find interesting.That's it for now, come back soon for some new posts.

Note: My future blog posts will be more interesting than this one.


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